Katakana chart


My reflection on writing was that this was much harder than the first one, because the languages switch for every chart and you have to make sure they are in the correct order based on the sound that they make and how you pronounce them. I still think it was a great exercise, not just for me, but for the rest of the class as well. I can tell it’s going to take a little time to get used to it, which I understand because it can be a lot more work than I expect. What I love about learning the charts and writing them down is to learn how to say Japanese languages the correct way. With the katakana chart it’s more to remember than to forget because it comes with another chart and you have to remember the proper way to remember how you see it so you can remember what that handwritten language means. I think our class being in groups helps us understand the chart a bit faster. It helps us enjoy learning and making the chart by catching one another up.
